Sunday, February 17, 2008


I am in California. The idea was to help my mother, but I've come down with some bronchial thing and been wasted for the past 5 days. I was to fly home in the morning, but the idea of walking to the gateway seemed an immense undertaking, so I flopped back into bed and changed the ticket.

One little snag and everything tumbles. Cancel this postpone that. But if you feel wretched enough, getting out of things brings only relief. Painting will have to wait. I never could paint well in Calif anyway. The landscape is such a distraction.

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swamp, 55" x 29"

in progress

flying fish, 55" x 29"

eye with a view

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I am living and painting in the little town of Houston. A far way from my San Francisco beginnings. I paint what I see of the human condition, be it human, animal or object. The glimmer of humor, pathos, and spirit in so much of what I see is the basis of what I paint.


All content here is under copyright: Gail Siptak. Please ask for permission if you wish to use them. Thanks.

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