Thursday, December 13, 2012

Well.  Lots has transpired since I last posted.  My mother died and thus endeth my monthly trips to California to look after her.  She was 93 and of course I knew it would come...but geez you are never really ready.  I miss her.  We were close and she was exuberant, curious, optimistic, and in a constant quest for knowledge til the end. 

So now, back to work.  The gallery where the show will be was very kind in moving the date to February so I have time to finish.  It's good to be back in the paint.  The work has become looser and freer.  Nothing wrong with that.  More relaxed maybe.  But there is lots to do.  I'm aiming for 12 large pieces, 12 half size, and 12 plus little ones.  All arched, church like, in an homage to nature and inspired by the droughts, floods, and storms that have caught our attention.  Finally.



  1. Dearest Gail,

    I am so sorry to hear of this news. While 93 years is a good long life, it seems less and less so as the years pass. What's really wonderful is that your mom kept a youthful view of life well up into her very senior years. That's what you can take to your (memory) bank. I hope the celebration of her life brings you peace.



  2. The work looks wonderful. Yes, we are the lucky ones, in my own grief, work was all that I could do, and I've always thought the root word of painting is pain. And there is something magic about painting, it takes the pain, absorbs it, and we become whole again. This looks like very important work! I know you will finish in time. xoxoxoxo hugs


swamp, 55" x 29"

in progress

flying fish, 55" x 29"

eye with a view

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About Me

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I am living and painting in the little town of Houston. A far way from my San Francisco beginnings. I paint what I see of the human condition, be it human, animal or object. The glimmer of humor, pathos, and spirit in so much of what I see is the basis of what I paint.


All content here is under copyright: Gail Siptak. Please ask for permission if you wish to use them. Thanks.

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